

Automatické změkčovače vody Změkčovače vody-kabinetyIon Exchange Equipments

(water softeners, water treatment plants, carbon removing, denitrification, equipments with mixebeds, zeolits......)

Filtry a filtrační zařízení pro filtraci vody Water Filters

Stanice reverzní osmózyMembraned Technologies and  Conductivity Meters

(reverse osmosis water treatment, conductivity meters for liquits...)

Dávkování chemikálií pro úpravu vodyDosing Technologies

UV sterilizaceUV a Special Water Treatment Technologies

(UV sterilizations, electronic nad magnenic water treatment)

IonexIonexchange Resins and Filtering Materials

ChemikálieChemicals, Laboratory Sets and Tools

Tlakové nádobyVentil změkčovačeComposite Pressure Tanks and Control Valves

Potrubní oddělovačPipeline Parts and Armatures

(backflow preventers, hydraulic compensators of dynamical pressures, centrifugal separators, cyclone sediment separators...)

Ohřívač vodyBoilers, Storage Tanks for Water/Air

(boilers, steel cylindric tanks, angular tanks and accessories...)


Katalog 2013


(download 3,4 MB)

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