Welcome to the Company DETO Brno spol. s r.o. website!
DETO Brno spol. s r.o.
is traditional manufacturer and supplier of water treatment technologies. We develope, manufacture and supply water treatment equipment, boilers and heat exchaner stations, and delivere turnkey technologies for more then 20 years. The DETO branch means quarranty of quality, solidity and resonable prices.
We deal with the production and supply of technological aquipment for water treatment especially for heating and steam systems, hot water systems, water treatment for chemical and food operations, health care, pharmacy as well as swimming pool technology and treatment of industrial process water.
Company adress and phone numbers:
DETO Brno, spol. s r. o.
Famerovo nam. 31
CZ-618 00 Brno
Technical department
phone/fax: +420 548 213 173 - 5
mobile: +420 602 733 975
Obchodní oddělení
phone/fax: +420 548 210 256
mobile: +420 724 293 347
More informations: Contacts